Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Winemaking
Subject: Viticulture, Propagation
Afrikaans: grondvesblok
Xhosa: isiseko isiqobo
Subject: Trellising
Subject: Botany
Afrikaans: kambium, teelweefsel
Xhosa: ikhambiyam
English - gas chromatography mass spectrometry noun
Subject: Analysis
instrumental technique which couples the powerful separation potential of gas chromatography with the specific characterization ability of mass spectroscopy.

Abbreviation: GC-MS
Afrikaans: gaschromatografie massaspektrometrie
selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Analise
instrumentele tegniek wat die kragtige skeidingspotensiaal van gaschromatografie koppel met die spesifieke karakteriseringsvermoë van massaspektrometrie.

Afkorting: GC-MS
Xhosa: ubunzima besihlwahla

Isifinyezo segama: i-GC-MS