Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Botany
Afrikaans: chlorofil, bladgroen
Xhosa: iklorofili
Subject: Winemaking
Afrikaans: tenkrekord
Xhosa: irekhodi letanki
Subject: Biology
Subject: Viticulture
Afrikaans: onkruidbeheer
Xhosa: ukubulala ukhula
English - fixed acid noun
Subject: Chemistry, Winemaking
acids occurring naturally in the grape and those acids created during fermentation.
Afrikaans: vaste suur
selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Chemie, Wynbereiding
sure wat natuurlik in die druiwe voorkom en daardie sure wat gedurende fermentasie gevorm word.
Xhosa: i-asidi engajikiyo