Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Pruning
Afrikaans: snoeiskêr
Xhosa: isikere sokuthena
Subject: Cultivation practice
Subject: Wine tasting
Subject: Grapevine pest
Afrikaans: miere
Xhosa: iimbovane
Subject: Viticulture
English - tartraat selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Wynbereiding
skadelose kristalle wat gedurende gisting of bottelveroudering (dikwels op die kurk) mag vorm, soos wat die wynsteensuur, wat natuurlik in wyn voorkom, uit die oplossing presipiteer.
Sinonieme: wynsteensuur(sout)

English: tartrate
Subject: Winemaking
harmless crystals that may form during fermentation or bottle ageing (often on the cork) as the tartaric acid, naturally present in wine, precipitates out of the solution.
Xhosa: ithatreyithi