Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Cooperage, Implement
Subject: Botany
Afrikaans: flavonoïed
Xhosa: iflavonoyidi
Subject: Propagation
Subject: Biotechnology
English - moeë wyn selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Wynproe
dui op 'n wyn wat as gevolg van ongeskikte prosedures of onakkurate behandelings of oorveroudering, sy karaktertrekke verloor het en dus dof en disharmonieus is.
Sinonieme: verlepte wyn

English: decrepit wine
Subject: Wine tasting
indicates a wine that due to unsuitable procedure or inaccurate treatments or over-ageing, has lost its characteristics and is therefore faint and disharmonious.
Xhosa: ukudangala kwewayini