Some words selected from our dictionary:
Afrikaans: SG
Subject: Wine tasting
Afrikaans: skerp-suur
Xhosa: ubuncindirha
Subject: Winemaking
Afrikaans: lugruimte
Xhosa: isithuba sokuphefumla
Subject: Commerce
Afrikaans: BBP
Xhosa: i-GDP
Subject: Pruning, Viticulture
English - splitkordon selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Wingerdontwikkeling, Wingerdboukunde
'n opleisiteem waarin twee horisontale kordonne of arms in teenoorgestelde rigtings rangskik word, vanaf die bokant van die stam.
Sinonieme: dubbelkordon

English: bilateral cordon
Subject: Training, Viticulture
a training system in which two horizontal cordons or arms are arranged in opposite directions from the top of the trunk.
Synonyms: double cordon, split cordon
Xhosa: intambo ephindiweyo
Isifanakuthi okanye isisthethanonye: isiqu esiphindiweyo