South African Trilingual Wine Industry Dictionary
Some words selected from our dictionary: Subject: Grapevine morphology |
English - ukulawulwa kwemveliso English: brand management noun Subject: Marketing the process of managing an organisation's brands in order to increase long-term brand equity. Also the person or group responsible for designing brand identities, aligning them for maximum effectiveness, ensuring that they are not compromised by tactical actions, and designing appropriate brand crisis management plans. Afrikaans: handelsmerkbestuur selfstandige naamwoord Onderwerp: Bemarking die proses om 'n organisasie se handelsmerke te bestuur, sodat handelsmerke se markwaarde oor die langtermyn verhoog word. Die persoon of groep wat verantwoordelik is om handelsmerk-identiteite te ontwerp moet hulle ook opstel vir maksimum-effektiwiteit, en verseker dat hulle nie deur taktiese aksies kompromitteer word nie, en toepaslike planne in plek hê vir hantering van krisisse met handelsmerke. |
Analysis Bacteriology Barrel type Biochemistry Biodiversity Biology Biotechnology Botany Bottle size Bottle type Bottling Brandy Chemistry Climate Commerce Cooperage Crushing and destemming Cultivation practice Distillation Enzyme Equipment Fertilization Genetics Grapevine anatomy Grapevine development Grapevine disease Grapevine morphology Grapevine pest Grapevine physiology Growth regulator Implement Instrument Irrigation Machinery Marketing Microbiology Mouth-feel wheel Oenology Packaging Plant pathology Propagation Pruning Regulatory Soil science Training Trellising Viticulture Waste and waste management Wine fault Wine style Wine tasting Wine type Winemaking Yeast |