Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Winemaking
Subject: Winemaking
Afrikaans: oloroso
Xhosa: i-oloroso
Subject: Propagation, Viticulture
Subject: Oenology
Afrikaans: kelderwerk
Xhosa: umsebenzi wewayindri
English - isipirithi samaxolo
English: husk spirit
a wine distillate produced by single or double distillation of fermented grape husks and the fermentation lees. The final product is bottled at an alcohol content of not less than 43 percent alcohol by volume.
Afrikaans: dopspiritus
selfstandige naamwoord
'n wyndistillaat wat deur enkel- of dubbeldistillasie vanaf gefermenteerde druiwedoppe en die gismoer, geproduseer word. Die finale produk word by 'n alkoholinhoud van nie minder as 43 persent alkohol per volume, gebotteleer.