Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Waste and waste management
Afrikaans: proseswater
Xhosa: amanzi osebenza
Subject: Grapevine pest
Afrikaans: boorkewer
Xhosa: isinqolamthi
Subject: Cultivation practice, Viticulture
Subject: Propagation
Afrikaans: enthout
Xhosa: ukhuni loku-enta
English - ihayidromitha
Isifanakuthi okanye isisthethanonye: isimeti bumanzi

English: hydrometer
Subject: Instrument
an instrument comprised of a vertical scale inside a sealed glass tube weighted at one end, to measure the ratio (called specific gravity) of the density of a liquid (such as grape must or wine) to that of pure water. In wine making, a hydrometer is used to measure a must's sugar content and calculating its potential alcohol, determining how fermentation is progressing and indicating when it is finished, gauging effervescence in sparkling wines, and measuring a finished wine's alcohol level.
Afrikaans: hidrometer
selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Instrument
'n instrument wat bestaan uit 'n vertikale skaal binne 'n geseëlde glasbuis wat aan die een kant verswaar is, om die verhouding (genoem soortlike gewig) of digtheid van 'n vloeistof (soos druiwemos of wyn) teen die van suiwer water te meet. In wynbereiding word 'n hidrometer gebruik om mos se suikerinhoud te meet en potensiële alkohol te bereken, om te bepaal hoe gisting vorder en aan te dui wanneer dit klaar is, raming van opbruising in vonkelwyn, en meting van 'n klaargemaakte wyn se alkoholvlak.