Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Oenology, Viticulture
Subject: Viticulture
Afrikaans: korrelmonster
Xhosa: isixa samaqunube
Subject: Biotechnology
Afrikaans: eienskap
Xhosa: isimo
Subject: Biochemistry
Afrikaans: delfinidien
Xhosa: i-delfinidini
Subject: Wine style
English - slaploot selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Wingerdboukunde
groei-eienskappe van sekere wingerdstokke, as gevolg van sekere virussiektes.
English: flabby shoot
Subject: Viticulture
characteristics of growth of certain vines and due to certain viral diseases.
Xhosa: isihlahla esiyokoyoko (ngenxa yesifo)