Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Waste and waste management
Afrikaans: slik
Xhosa: udaka oluyikiyiki
Subject: Irrigation
Afrikaans: drupper
Xhosa: umchontsizi
Subject: Yeast
Afrikaans: flor
Xhosa: igwele iflor
Subject: Winemaking
Afrikaans: tiolise
Xhosa: ithiyolisisi
English - gips selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Grondkunde, Wynbereiding
1. stof wat by grond gevoeg word om kalsiumversadiging te verhoog. 2. chemiese verbinding wat gebruik word om wyne, hoofsaaklik sjerrie, te versuur.
English: gypsum
Subject: Soil science, Winemaking
1. substance added to increase calcium saturation. 2. chemical compound used to acidify wines, mostly sherry.
Xhosa: igypsum