Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Viticulture
Subject: Viticulture
Afrikaans: skubblaar
Xhosa: iprofili
Subject: Winemaking
Afrikaans: droƫys
Xhosa: umkhenkce owomileyo
English - brandewyn selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Brandewyn
'n wyndistillaat wat uit minstens 30 persent absolute alkohol potketeldistillaat bestaan, wat in klein eikehoutvate vir minstens drie jaar verouder is. Origens bestaan dit uit nie meer as 70 persent absolute alkohol, verouderd of onverouderd, kolomgedistilleerde distillaat. Die finale produk is gebottel by 'n alkoholinhoud van nie minder as 43 persent alkohol per volume.
English: brandy
Subject: Brandy
a wine distillate consisting of at least 30 percent absolute alcohol potstill distillate, which was matured in small oak barrels for at least three years and not more than 70 percent absolute alcohol matured or unmatured column-distilled distillate. The final product is bottled at an alcohol content of not less than 43 percent alcohol by volume.
Xhosa: ibranti