Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Implement
Afrikaans: skaafbank
Xhosa: isidibanisi
Subject: Equipment
Afrikaans: helm, mantel
Xhosa: intloko yesicoci-lwelo
Subject: Viticulture
Afrikaans: bolwurm
Xhosa: umbungu
Subject: Pruning
Afrikaans: minimumsnoei
Xhosa: ukungatheni konke
English - sensory analysis noun
Subject: Viticulture, Oenology
is a scientific discipline that applies experimental design and statistical analysis by the use of human sensors for the purpose of evaluating consumer products.
Synonyms: sensory evaluation

Afrikaans: sintuiglike analise
selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Wingerdboukunde, Wynkunde
is 'n wetenskaplike dissipline wat eksperimentele ontwerp en statistiese ontledings toepas, deur menslike sintuie te gebruik vir die evaluering van verbruikersprodukte.
Sinonieme: sintuiglike beoordeling
Xhosa: uhlolo ngokovakalelo