Some words selected from our dictionary:
Subject: Biology
Afrikaans: geen
Xhosa: umyalezo wofuzo
Subject: Machinery
Subject: Machinery, Packaging
Subject: Winemaking, Brandy
Afrikaans: swaelagtig
Xhosa: busibabile
Subject: Implement
English - i-HPLC
English: high performance liquid chromatography
Subject: Chemistry, Analysis
chemical analytic analysis method to identify and quantify compounds in grapes or wine.

Abbreviation: HPLC
Afrikaans: hoëdrukvloeistofchromatografie
selfstandige naamwoord
Onderwerp: Chemie, Analise
analitiese, chemiese ontledingsmetode om verbindings in druiwe en wyn te identifiseer en kwantifiseer.